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Custom Theme

MarkFlowy supports custom themes, and you can also share your themes with others.

Develop Environment

  • MarkFlowy > 0.7.0
  • nodejs >= 18.x
  • pnpm >= 7.x

How to make a theme

1. Create theme files

You can fork MarkFlowy-Theme-Template to create your theme.

pnpm install

pnpm run dev

2. Edit theme files

Open MarkFlowy, click Settings, you can see path, Open this path folder, create themes folder in .markflowy folder, and then create your theme folder in themes folder, e.g. markflowy-theme-template.

You can edit rollup.config.js to change the theme build files output.

output: {
// change this output file to development
// e.g. file: '/Users/xxx/.markflowy/themes/markflowy-theme-template/index.js',
file: pkg.browser,
format: 'es',
sourcemap: true,
entryFileNames: '[name].js',

change your theme, reload MarkFlowy to see the effect.